Ibm Installation Manager Repositories Not Connected

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How to configure Information Server Manager to use Subversion. Information Server Manager is IBM solution for source code integration as well as some other code management tasks. For anyone who is familiar with the Eclipse IDE you'll quickly recognize that all IBM did was slap their own skin over the Eclipse IDE and build in the necessary. When you install the IBM Engineering Workflow Management Eclipse client by using IBM Installation Manager, you can use one of two methods: install from a web installer or install from an Installation Manager repository package. How to update Install Manager Get the fixpack version of the new manager, not the install version. On Fix Central it will be lableled something like this: and the actual file will be

  1. Repositories Definition
Active11 months ago

I have downloaded and unzipped in a directory to get disc1 to disc3 folders but there's no exe to launch and no instruction in readme file so how do you install ?

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Ibm Installation Manager Repositories Not Connected

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IBM WebSphere Application Server for Developers, including Liberty Profile v8.5 (Part 3 of 3) (910M)

user310291user310291Ibm installation manager repositories not connected to pc
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4 Answers

You need IBM Installation Manager to install that. The disks you downloaded are simply the repositories of the software that IIM can read and process.

For example, the 1.5 version can be found here.

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If you do not want to download compressed archives containing the Installation Manager repositories, then there is a much easier and simpler process for getting WebSphere Application Server for Developers installed.

Once you have IBM Installation Manager installed, you only need to provide the repository location to where the IBM hosted WebSphere Application Server for Developers repository is located. For instance, to install WAS for Developers version 8.0 or version 8.5, you simply add one of the following repository locations to the repository preferences.

  • V8.0:
  • V8.5:

Information on installing WAS for Developers using IBM hosted repositories in available on

Alternatively, you can use the IBM Package Utility (a companion to Installation Manager), to reconstruct the IBM hosted repository on your local machine. The advantage to using PU is that you will be able to create a local repository that also includes the fixpack level of your own choosing rather than having to go get a fixpack from IBM Fix Central and then updating the installation afterwards.

Information on creating local repositories with Packaging Utility is available in the WebSphere Knowledge Center.

Scott JohnstonScott Johnston

You have to download IBM Installation Manager and install it. Then run the Installation Manager by click on Restart Installation Manager. After all press Install and in the new page press 'Repositories'. In the Repositories locate the directory you extracted IBM WebSphere Application Server then select repository.conf and stick with defaults to continue installation.

Download or run Eclipse and go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace and search for IBM WebSphere and press install to add IBM WebSphere into your Eclipse Environment.

To install new version you can follow the below link with complete guidance.


A solution is to install the official docker image:

there are all the versions from to the newest, BASE and ILAN licenses.


Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged javawebspherewebsphere-liberty or ask your own question.


This cookbook installs IBM Installation Manager and provides resources for installing IBM packages with a response file.

This cookbook currently uses the Installation Manager Installer method rather than Installation manager to install packages. For more details see

Group install mode has not been tested. Only admin and nonAdmin have.


  • Chef 12.5 or higher

  • Installation Media for Installation manager and any other packages.This can be sourced from an online repository like IBM PassportAdvantage, or from your own download link. Supports tar, tar.gz and zip.

  • Installation Kits may need to be packaged into a single folder. For example the WebSphere installation kit comes in 3 folders disk1, disk2 and disk3. Make sure all disks are in the same folder like so:

    • WAS/
    • WAS/disk1/
    • WAS/disk2/
    • WAS/disk3/
    • WAS/repository.config


  • Centos 6
  • Red Hat Enterprise 6
  • Centos 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise 7


See the test cookbook in test/fixtures/cookbooks/ibm-im-test for examples.

Install Installation Manager

Install WebSphere with Installation Manager



Installs IBM Installation Manager

  • :install_package, Url or local path to a compressed file. Must be .tar, .tar.gz or .zip. String, required: true, default: nil
  • :install_package_sha256, Hash of install package. String, default: nil
  • :download_temp_dir, Scratch folder to download to. String, default: Chef::Config['file_cache_path']
  • :extract_dir, String, default: '#{download_temp_dir}/ibm-installmgr'
  • :install_dir, String, default: '#{ibm_root_dir}/InstallationManager/eclipse'
  • :package_name, String, default: ''
  • :repositories, [String, Array], default: [extract_dir]
  • :ibm_root_dir, String, default: '/opt/IBM'
  • :data_location, This is where Installation Manager stores data about it's installed packages. String, default: '/var/ibm/InstallationManager'
  • :service_user, String, default: 'ibm-im'
  • :service_group, String, default: 'ibm-im'
  • :access_rights, String, default: 'nonAdmin', Can only be nonAdmin, admin or group. Group is not tested.
  • :preferences, A hash of preferences that are often contained within a response file. Hash, default: nil
  • :properties, A hash of properties that are often contained within a response file. Can be used in place of response file. [Hash], default: nil
  • :install - Installs Installation Manager. Does not start it as this requires gui.


Installs an IBM application using Installation Manager

  • :package, The package application id to install. Eg '', String required: true, default: nil
  • install_dir, Where to install the package. String, required: true, default: nil
  • imcl_dir, Path to the imcl utility binary You shouldn't need to change this. String, default: '/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools'
  • repositories, Array of local dirs or urls to repositories. Installation Kits may need to be packaged into a single folder, see the Requirements section above. [String, Array], required: true, default: nil
  • service_user, String, default: 'ibm'
  • service_group, String, default: 'ibm'
  • properties, Hash, A hash of properties that are usually found in response files.
  • preferences, Hash, A hash of preferences that are usually found in response files.
  • additional_options, a string of additional options to append if needed. String, default: '
  • access_rights, String, default: 'nonAdmin', regex: /^(nonAdmin admin group)$/
  • log_dir, String, default: '/var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs'
  • :passport_advantage, When set to true adds passportAdvantafe repo url to repositories. default: false
  • :secure_storage_file, path to secure storage file to use for repo credentials. String, default: nil
  • :master_pw_file, path to file containing password to access encrypted secure_storage_file. String, default: nil
  • :sensitive_exec, Default: true, Only change this in exceptional debugging circumstances. When set to false you can see the imcl command being executed in the chef logs, which could contain a password.
  • :install - Installs the package. Does not start, setup a service at this stage.


Similar to ibm_package but specifically installs an IBM fixpack. All parameters are exactly the same as ibm_package.


Exactly the same as parameters for ibm_package


Repositories Definition

  • :install


A simple wrapper around the template resource to create a response file for the ibm_package_response resource. You can use the template resource directly if you like.

  • :package, The package application id to install. Eg '', String required: true, default: nil, name_property: true
  • response_file, Path to create the response file. String
  • group, File group. String, default: 'ibm-im'
  • owner, File owner. String, default: 'ibm-im'
  • template_source, String, default: nil
  • cookbook, String, default: nil
  • variables, [Hash], default: nil
  • :create


NOTE: It's easier and more intuitive to use the ibm_package command and pass in properties and preferences instead of this resource.

Installs an IBM package using a response file.Please note you may need to create and required users and directories mentioned in the response file first. You do not need to accept the license or set the accessRights in the response file, this is handled with the command.

  • response_file, String, name_property: true, required: true
  • imcl_dir, String, default: '/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools'
  • log_dir, String, default: '/var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs'
  • pkg_group, Only used to for log_dir. String, default: 'ibm-im'
  • pkg_owner, Only used to for log_dir String, default: 'ibm-im'
  • access_rights, String, default: 'nonAdmin', regex: /^(nonAdmin admin group)$/
  • :install
Ibm installation manager repositories not connected to windows 10


Creates an encrypted Eclipse Storage file to store password credentials to repositories such as IBM passport Advantage.

  • secure_file, String, name_property: true
  • master_pw_file, Contains the password to access the secure_file. String
  • master_pw, password to put in master_pw_file. String, default: nil
  • url, String, default: ''
  • passport_advantage, Set to true when credentials are to access passportAdvantage. The url will be ignored if set. [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false
  • username, String, default: nil
  • password, For encrypting the secure file. String, default: nil
  • imutilsc_dir, Path to imutilsc binary. You shouldn't need to change this from the default. String, default: '/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools'
  • :create

License and Author

  • Authors: Lachlan Munro, Chris Bell, Chris Minton

Copyright: 2015-2018, J Sainsburys

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.