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  1. Donnell

Don Williams. Don Williams is an American country singer, songwriter and a 2010 inductee to the Country Music Hall of Fame.

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Don (Spanish: [don], Italian: [dɔn], Portuguese: Dom[dõ], from Latin dominus, roughly 'Lord'), abbreviated as D., is an honorificprefix primarily used in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Latin America, Croatia, Goa, and the Philippines.

Don, and dom, is derived from the Latin Dominus; a master of a household, a title with background from the Roman Republic in the Antiquity. With the abbreviated form having emerged as such in the Middle Ages, traditionally it is reserved for Catholic clergy, nobles, in addition to certain educational authorities, and persons of distinction.

The female equivalent is Donna (Italian: [ˈdɔnna]), Doña (Spanish: [ˈdoɲa]), and Dona (Portuguese: [ˈdonɐ]), abbreviated D.ª, Da., or simply D. It is a common honorific reserved for women, such as the First Lady of Brazil. In Portuguese 'Dona' tend to be less restricted in use to women than 'Dom' is to men.[1]

  • 1Usage



Although originally a title reserved for royalty, select nobles, and church hierarchs, it is now often used as a mark of esteem for a person of personal, social or official distinction, such as a community leader of long standing, a person of significant wealth, or a noble, but may also be used ironically. As a style, rather than a title or rank, it is used with, rather than in place of, a person's name.

Syntactically, it is used in much the same way (although for a broader group of persons) as 'Sir' and 'Dame' are used in English when speaking of or to a person who has been knighted, e.g. 'Don Firstname' or 'Doña Firstname Lastname'. Unlike 'The Honourable' in English, Don may be used when speaking directly to a person, and unlike 'Mister' it must be used with a given name. For example, 'Don Diego de la Vega,' or (abbreviating 'señor') 'Sr. Don Diego de la Vega,' or simply 'Don Diego' (the secret identity of Zorro) are typical forms. But a form like 'Don de la Vega' is not correct and would never be used by Spanish speakers. 'Señor de la Vega' should be used instead.

Today in the Spanish language, Doña is used to respectfully refer to a mature lady. Today in the Americas, and in Mexican-American communities, the title Don or Doña is used in honorific form when addressing a senior citizen. In some countries, Don or Doña may be used as a generic honorific, similar to Sir and Madam in the American South.


It is used in English for certain Benedictine (including some communities which follow the Rule of St. Benedict) and Carthusianmonks, and for members of certain communities of Canons Regular. Examples include Benedictine monks of the English Benedictine Congregation (e.g. Dom John Chapman, late Abbot of Downside). Since the Second Vatican Council, the title can be given to any monk (lay or ordained) who has made a solemn profession. The equivalent title for a nun is 'Dame' (e.g. Dame Laurentia McLachlan, late Abbess of Stanbrook, or Dame Felicitas Corrigan, author).

As a varia, an article by Dom Aidan Bellenger about Buckfast Abbey was published on 2 June 2018 in The Tablet, Britain's leading Catholic journal. However, by editorial error the article was attributed to “Dominic Aidan Bellenger”.[2] It is not the only time that this former Abbot of Downside's honorific has been misconstrued.


Don is also a title given to fellows and tutors of a college or university, especially traditional collegiate universities such as Oxford and Cambridge in England,[3] and Trinity College, Dublin, in Ireland.

Like the don used for Roman Catholic priests, this usage derives from the Latin dominus, meaning 'lord', a historical remnant of Oxford and Cambridge having started as ecclesiastical institutions in the Middle Ages. The earliest use of the word in this sense appears, according to the New English Dictionary, in Souths Sermons (1660). An English corruption, 'dan', was in early use as a title of respect, equivalent to master. The particular literary application to poets is due to Edmund Spenser's use of 'Dan Chaucer, well of English undefiled.'[4]

At some universities in Canada, such as the University of King's College[5] and the University of New Brunswick,[6] a don is the senior head of a university residence. At these institutions, a don is typically a faculty member, staff member, or postgraduate student, whose responsibilities in the residence are primarily administrative. The don supervises their residence and a team of undergraduate resident assistants, proctors, or other student employees.

In other Canadian institutions, such as Huron College[7] and the University of Toronto,[8] a don is a resident assistant, typically an upper-year student paid a stipend to act as an advisor to and supervisor of the students in a university residence.

The 'Don' is also an official mascot of the athletic teams of the University of San Francisco.[9]

Popular culture[edit]

In North America, Don has also been made popular by films depicting the Mafia, such as The Godfather series, where the crime boss is given by his associates the same signs of respect that were traditionally granted in Italy to nobility. However, the honorific followed by the last name (e.g. Don Corleone, Don Barzini, etc.) would be used in Italy for priests only: the proper Italian respectful form ('Don Firstname') is similar to the Castilian Spanish one mentioned in the previous paragraph.

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Spanish-speaking lands[edit]

Historically, don was used to address members of the nobility, e.g. hidalgos, as well as members of the secular clergy. The treatment gradually came to be reserved for persons of the blood royal, and those of such acknowledged high or ancient aristocratic birth as to be noble de Juro e Herdade, that is, 'by right and heredity' rather than by the king's grace. However, there were rare exemptions to the rule, such as the mulattoMiguel Enríquez, who received the distinction from Philip V due to his privateering work in the Caribbean. But by the twentieth century it was no longer restricted in use even to the upper classes, since persons of means or education (at least of a 'bachiller' level), regardless of background, came to be so addressed and, it is now often used as if it were a more formal version of Señor, a term which was also once used to address someone with the quality of nobility (not necessarily holding a nobiliary title). This was, for example, the case of military leaders addressing Spanish troops as 'señores soldados' (gentlemen-soldiers). In Spanish-speaking Latin America, this honorific is usually used with people of older age.

During the reign of King Juan Carlos of Spain from 1975 until his abdication as monarch on 19 June 2014, he was titled Su Majestad [S.M.] el Rey Juan Carlos (His Majesty King Juan Carlos). Following the abdication, Juan Carlos and his wife are titled, according to the Royal Household website, S.M. el Rey Don Juan Carlos (H.M. King Juan Carlos) and S.M. la Reina Doña Sofía (H.M. Queen Sofía)—the same as during his reign, with the honorific Don/Doña prefixed to the names. Juan Carlos' successor is S.M. el Rey Felipe VI.[10]

The honorific was also used among Ladino-speaking Sephardi Jews, as part of the Spanish culture which they took with them after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492.

The honorific title Don is widely used in the Americas. This is the case of the Mexican New Age author Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz,[11] the Chilean television personality Don Francisco,[12] and the Puerto Rican industrialist and politician Don Luis Ferré,[13] among many other figures. The title Don is considered highly honorific, more so than, for example, academic titles such as 'Doctor' or than political titles such as 'Governor.' For example, although Puerto Rican politician Pedro Albizu Campos had a doctoral degree, he has been titled Don.[14] Likewise, Puerto Rican Governor Luis Muñoz Marín has often been called Don Luís Muñoz Marin instead of Governor Muñoz Marin.[15] In the same manner, Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz is an M.D.[16]

Same happens in other Latin American countries. For example, despite having a doctoral degree in Theology, the Paraguayan regent José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia was usually styled as 'Don'. Likewise, despite being a respected military commander with the rank of Brigade General, Argentine Ruler Juan Manuel de Rosas was formally and informally styled 'Don' as a more important title.


Prior to the American conquest of the Southwest, a number of Americans immigrated to California, where they often became Mexican citizens and changed their given names to Spanish equivalents, for example 'Juan Temple' for Jonathan Temple.[17] It was common for them to assume the honorific 'don' once they had attained a significant degree of distinction in the community. In the Spanish Colonial Philippines, the honorific title was reserved to the nobility, the Datu[18] known as the Principalía,[19](p218) whose right to rule was recognised by Philip II on 11 June 1594.[20](tit. VII, ley xvi)

Portuguese-speaking lands[edit]

The usage of Dom was a prerogative of princes of royal blood and also of other individuals to whom it had been granted by the sovereign.[21] In most cases, the title was passed on through the male line. Strictly speaking, only females born of a nobleman bearing the title Dom would be addressed as Dona, but the style was not heritable through daughters. The few exceptions depended solely on the conditions upon which the title itself had been granted. A well-known exception is the descent of Dom Vasco da Gama.

There were many cases, both in Portugal and Brazil, in which the title of Dom (or Dona) was conceded to, and even bought by, people who were not from royalty. In any case, when the title was officially recognized by the proper authority, it became part of the name.

In Portugal and Brazil, Dom (pronounced [ˈdõ]) is used for certain higher members hierarchs, such as superiors, of the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches. In Catholic religious orders, such as the Order of Saint Benedict, it is also associated with the status of Dom Frater. Dom is similarly used as an honorific for Benedictine monks within the Benedictine Order throughout France and the English speaking world, such as the famous Dom Pérignon. In France, it is also used within the male branch of the Carthusian Order.

It is also employed for laymen who belong to the royal and imperial families (for example the House of Aviz in Portugal and the House of Braganza in Portugal and Brazil).[22] It was also accorded to members of families of the titled Portuguese nobility.[1] Unless ennobling letters patent specifically authorised its use, Dom was not attributed to members of Portugal's untitled nobility: Since hereditary titles in Portugal descended according to primogeniture, the right to the style of Dom was the only apparent distinction between cadets of titled families and members of untitled noble families.[1]

In the Portuguese language, the feminine form, Dona (or, more politely, Senhora Dona), has become common when referring to a woman who does not hold an academic title. It's commonly used to refer to First Ladies, although it is less common for female politicians.


Officially, Don was the honorific for a principe or a duca (and any legitimate, male-line descendant thereof) who was a member of the nobility (as distinct from a reigning prince or duke, who was generally entitled to some form of the higher style of Altezza). This was how the style was used in the Almanach de Gotha for extant families in its third section. The feminine, 'Donna', was borne by their wives and daughters. The last official Italian nobility law (abrogated 1948) stated that the style belonged to members of the following groups:

  • those whose main title was principe or duca;
  • those who had a special grant;
  • those to whom it had been recognized by the former Lombardy (Duchy of Milan); or
  • those Sardinians who bore either a title of hereditary knight or of the titled nobility (whatever the main title of the family).[23]

Genealogical databases and dynastic works still reserve the title for this class of noble by tradition, although it is no longer a right under Italian law.

In practice, however, the style Don/Donna (or Latin Dominus/Domina) was used more loosely in church, civil and notarial records. The honorific was often accorded to the untitled gentry (e.g., knights or younger sons of noblemen), priests, or other people of distinction. It was, over time, adopted by organized criminal societies in Southern Italy (including Naples, Sicily, and Calabria) to refer to members who held considerable sway within their hierarchies.

Today in Italy, the title is usually only given to Roman Catholicdiocesan priests (never to prelates, who bear higher honorifics such as monsignore, eminenza, and so on). In Sardinia, until recently it was commonly used for nobility (whether titled or not), but it is being presently used mainly when the speaker wants to show that he knows the don's condition of nobility.

Outside of the priesthood or old nobility, usage is still common in the south, mostly as an honorific form to address the elderly, but it is rarely, if ever, used in central or northern Italy. It can be used satirically or ironically to lampoon a person's sense of self-importance.

Don is prefixed either to the full name or to the person's given name. The form 'Don Lastname' for crime bosses (as in Don Corleone) is an American custom. In southern Italy, mafia bosses are addressed as 'Don Firstname' by other mafiosi and sometimes their victims as well, while the press usually refers to them as 'Firstname Lastname', without the honorific.

Priests are the only ones to be referred as 'Don Lastname', although when talking directly to them they are usually addressed as 'Don Firstname', which is also the most common form used by parishioners when referring to their priest.


Within the Catholic church, the prefix Don is usually used for the diocesan priests with their first name, as well as velečasni (The Reverend).

See also[edit]

Look up don, dom, dona, donna, or doña in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.


  1. ^ abcTourtchine, Jean-Fred (September 1987). 'Le Royaume de Portugal - Empire du Brésil'. Cercle d'Études des Dynasties Royales Européennes (CEDRE):. III: 103. ISSN0764-4426.CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  2. ^The Tablet, 2 June 2018, page 9
  3. ^For background information and opinion, see a recently published selection of short articles by Cambridge don Mary Beard: It's a Don's Life, London: Profile, 2009. ISBN1-84668-251-7
  4. ^ One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). 'Dominus'. Encyclopædia Britannica. 8 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 405.
  5. ^'Residence & Dining University of Kings College'. University of Kings College. Retrieved 13 October 2016.
  6. ^'Become a Don UNB'. Retrieved 13 October 2016.
  7. ^'Apply to be a Don'. Retrieved 13 October 2016.
  8. ^'Donships and RAs Student Life'. Retrieved 13 October 2016.
  9. ^'USF Dons'. USF Dons. Retrieved 23 May 2012.
  10. ^Website of Royal Household of Spain, La Familia Real, post-abdication
  11. ^''. Retrieved 23 May 2012.
  12. ^'Pan American Health Organization. Perspectives in Health Magazine: The Magazine of the Pan American Health Organization'. 11 September 2001. Retrieved 23 May 2012.
  13. ^'Statement by President George W. Bush on Don Luis Ferre. October 22, 2003. The White House. Washington, D.C'. 22 October 2003. Retrieved 23 May 2012.
  14. ^'Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning. Columbia University'. Retrieved 23 May 2012.
  15. ^Primera Hora (Electronic Edition of the El Nuevo Dia newspaper). Senate of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Senate Resolution 937. February 11, 2010.Archived 11 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine
  16. ^'Vitality: Toronto's Monthly Wellness Journal'. Retrieved 23 May 2012.
  17. ^'Archived copy'. Archived from the original on 18 September 2010. Retrieved 6 September 2010.Cite uses deprecated parameter deadurl= (help)CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  18. ^For more information about the social system of the Indigenous Philippine society before the Spanish colonization confer Barangay in Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Europea-Americana, Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, S. A., 1991, Vol. VII, p.624.
  19. ^BLAIR, Emma Helen & ROBERTSON, James Alexander, eds. (1906). The Philippine Islands, 1493–1898. Volume 40 of 55 (1690–1691). Historical introduction and additional notes by Edward Gaylord BOURNE;. Cleveland, Ohio: Arthur H. Clark Company. ISBN978-0559361821. OCLC769945730. Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the close of the nineteenth century.CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  20. ^de León Pinelo, Antonio Rodríguez & de Solórzano Pereira, Juan, eds. (1680). Recopilación de Leyes de los Reynos de las Indias(pdf) (in Spanish). Libro Sexto. Títulos: i De los Indios. ii De la libertad de los Indios. iii De las Reducciones, y Pueblos de Indios. iv De las caxas de censos, y bienes de Comunidad, y su administracion. v De los tributos, y tassas de los Indios. vi De los Protectores de Indios. vii De los Caciques. viii De los repastimientos, encomiendas, y pensiones de Indios, y calidades de los titulos. ix De los Encomenderos de Indios. x De el buen tratamiento de los Indios. xi De la sucession de encomiendas, entretenimientos, y ayudas de costa. xii Del servicio personal. xiii Del servicio en chacras, viñas, olivares, obrajes, ingenios, perlas, tambos, requas, carreterias, casas, ganados, y bogas. xiv Del servicio en coca, y añir. xv Del servicio en minas. xvi De los Indios de Chile. xvii De los Indios de Tucuman, Paraguay, y Rio de la Plata. xviii De los Sangleyes. xix De las confirmaciones de encomiendas, pensiones, rentas, y situaciones.
  21. ^Hugh Chisholm, ed. (1910). The Encyclopædia Britannica. VIII (Eleventh ed.). New York, New York: University of Cambridge. p. 405. Retrieved 9 March 2010.
  22. ^Angus Stevenson, ed. (2007). Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Volume 1, A – M (Sixth ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. p. 737. ISBN978-0-19-920687-2.
  23. ^(in Italian)Ordinamento dello stato nobiliare italiano (Statute of Italian nobility condition) approved by Royal Decree 651 dated 7 June 1943: art. 39. When opening the link, click on Statuto e Elenco Nobiliare Sardo on the left and then on the Ordinamento itself (second link).
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don 1

1. Don(also dōn) Used as a courtesy title before the name of a man in a Spanish-speaking area.
2. Chiefly British
a. A head, tutor, or fellow at a college of Oxford or Cambridge.
3. The leader of an organized-crime family.
[Spanish dialectal and Italian, both from Latin dominus, lord; see dem- in Indo-European roots.]

don 2

(dŏn)tr.v.donned, don·ning, dons
1. To put on (clothing or an ornament, for example): donned long gloves for the costume party; don clown make-up for the performance.
2. To assume or take on: donned the air of the injured party.
[Middle English, contraction of do on, to put on; see do1.]


vb, dons, donningordonned
[C14: from do1 + on; compare doff]


(dɒn) n
1. (Education) Brit a member of the teaching staff at a university or college, esp at Oxford or Cambridge
2. (Education) the head of a student dormitory at certain Canadian universities and colleges
4. (in the Mafia) the head of a family


(dɒn; Spanish don) n
a Spanish title equivalent to Mr: placed before a name to indicate respect
[C16: via Spanish, from Latin dominus lord; see don2]


(dɒn) n
1. (Placename) a river rising in W Russia, southeast of Tula and flowing generally south, to the Sea of Azov: linked by canal to the River Volga. Length: 1870 km (1162 miles)
2. (Placename) a river in NE Scotland, rising in the Cairngorm Mountains and flowing east to the North Sea. Length: 100 km (62 miles)
3. (Placename) a river in N central England, rising in S Yorkshire and flowing northeast to the Humber. Length: about 96 km (60 miles)


(dɒn; Sp., It. dɔn)
1. (cap.) Mr.; Sir: a Spanish title prefixed to a man's given name.
2. (in Spanish-speaking countries) a lord or gentleman.
3. (cap.) an Italian title of address, esp. for a priest.
4. (in the English universities) a head, fellow, or tutor of a college.
6. Archaic. a person of great importance.


v.t. donned, don•ning.
to put on or dress in: to don one's gloves.


a river flowing generally S from Tula in the Russian Federation in Europe to the Sea of Azov. ab. 1200 mi. (1930 km) long.


Past participle: donned
Gerund: donning
I don
you don
he/she/it dons
we don
you don
they don
I donned
you donned
he/she/it donned
we donned
you donned
they donned
Present Continuous
I am donning
you are donning
he/she/it is donning
we are donning
you are donning
they are donning
Present Perfect
I have donned
you have donned
he/she/it has donned
we have donned
you have donned
they have donned
Past Continuous
I was donning
you were donning
he/she/it was donning
we were donning
you were donning
they were donning
Past Perfect
I had donned
you had donned
he/she/it had donned
we had donned
you had donned
they had donned
I will don
you will don
he/she/it will don
we will don
you will don
they will don
Future Perfect
I will have donned
you will have donned
he/she/it will have donned
we will have donned
you will have donned
they will have donned
Future Continuous
I will be donning
you will be donning
he/she/it will be donning
we will be donning
you will be donning
they will be donning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been donning
you have been donning
he/she/it has been donning
we have been donning
you have been donning
they have been donning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been donning
you will have been donning
he/she/it will have been donning
we will have been donning
you will have been donning
they will have been donning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been donning
you had been donning
he/she/it had been donning
we had been donning
you had been donning
they had been donning
I would don
you would don
he/she/it would don
we would don
you would don
they would don
Past Conditional
I would have donned
you would have donned
he/she/it would have donned
we would have donned
you would have donned
they would have donned


A lecturer at a British university or college, especially at Oxford or Cambridge.
Noun1.Don - a Spanish gentleman or nobleman
Spanish - the Romance language spoken in most of Spain and the countries colonized by Spain
2.don - teacher at a university or college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford)
Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
instructor, teacher - a person whose occupation is teaching
3.don - the head of an organized crime family
chief, top dog, head - a person who is in charge; 'the head of the whole operation'
4.Don - Celtic goddess; mother of Gwydion and Arianrhod; corresponds to Irish Danu
Cambria, Cymru, Wales - one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; during Roman times the region was known as Cambria
5.Don - a European river in southwestern Russia; flows into the Sea of Azov
Russian Federation, Russia - a federation in northeastern Europe and northern Asia; formerly Soviet Russia; since 1991 an independent state
6.Don - a Spanish courtesy title or form of address for men that is prefixed to the forename; 'Don Roberto'
form of address, title of respect, title - an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General'; 'the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title'
Spanish - the Romance language spoken in most of Spain and the countries colonized by Spain
Verb1.don - put clothing on one's body; 'What should I wear today?'; 'He put on his best suit for the wedding'; 'The princess donned a long blue dress'; 'The queen assumed the stately robes'; 'He got into his jeans'
dress, get dressed - put on clothes; 'we had to dress quickly'; 'dress the patient'; 'Can the child dress by herself?'
hat - put on or wear a hat; 'He was unsuitably hatted'
try on, try - put on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice; 'Try on this sweater to see how it looks'
slip on - put on with ease or speed; 'slip into something more comfortable after work'; 'slip on one's shoes'


verbput on, get into, dress in, pull on, change into, get dressed in, clothe yourself in, slip on or intoThe police donned riot gear.


nounlecturer, professor, fellow, academic, scholarThe train was full of university dons.


verbTo put (an article of clothing) on one's person:
assume, get on, pull on, put on, slip into, slip on.


2. (US) a Mafia donun capode laMafia


2[dɒn]VT (liter) [+ garment] → ponerse, ataviarse con


n(British)professeurmf d'université(professeure f d'université)


vt garmentanziehen, anlegen(dated); hataufsetzen


1[dɒn]n (Brit) (


Univ) → docentem/f universitario/a


2[dɒn]vt (old) (garment) → indossare
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