Daa Conference 2010 Program Management

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Conferences (1998 and 2002) and as General Chair for the 3rd and 4th Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conferences (2006 and 2010). He was Technical Co-chair of EWRI’s Watershed Management Conference in 2000 and 2010. Don earned his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Arizona and his MS and Ph.D. From Colorado State University. 2010 ACF Western Regional Conference The 2010 ACF Western Regional Conference, which was hosted by ACF Rio Grande Valley Chapter and took place in Albuquerque, N.M., Feb. 6–8, was a spectacular representation of Southwest culture and food, professional development, networking and camaraderie. 2010 ACF Western Regional Conference. The 2010 ACF Western Regional Conference, which was hosted by ACF Rio Grande Valley Chapter and took place in Albuquerque, N.M., Feb. 6–8, was a spectacular representation of Southwest culture and food, professional development, networking and camaraderie.

  1. Daa Conference 2010 Program Management Pdf
  2. Ieee Conference 2010
  3. Federal Aviation Administration


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida



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Daly, J. L. 2002. Pricing for Profitability. John Wiley & Sons.

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Damitio, J. W., G. W. Hayes and P. L. Kintzele. 2000. IntegratingABC and ABM at Dow Chemical. Management Accounting Quarterly(Winter): 22-26.

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Dance, D. R. 1997. Mind mapping your way to the right software. Management Accounting (April): 36, 38, 40, 42-43, 46.

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Danielson, M. G. and J. L. Heck. 2010. Giving credit where credit is due: Summary analysis of the most prolific authors in 15 high-impact accounting journals. Advances in Accounting:Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 26(2): 195-206.

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Danneels, E. and F. Frattini. 2018. Finding applications for technologies beyond the core business. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 73-78.

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Christopher Swider

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Davidson, R. A. and B. A. Baldwin. 2005. Cognitive skills objectives in intermediate accounting textbooks: Evidence from end-of-chapter material. Journal of Accounting Education23(2): 79-95.

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Davies, M. C. 2004.Discussion of supporting continuous monitoring using control charts. InternationalJournal of Accounting Information Systems 5(2): 131-134.

Davies, S. 2009. Evolution of the Toyota production system. Engineering& Technology (May 20). (According to Davies, Mitsubishi learned how touse takt time from the Germans. Toyota combined the concepts of flow production,pull systems, level production, and takt time to form the basis forjust-in-time. Takt time limits production to avoid either over or underproduction).

Davies, W. S. 1917. American Institute of Accountants: Reportof the president. Journal of Accountancy (October): 241-246.

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Davila, A. and A. Ditillo. 2017. Management control systems for creative teams: Managing stylistic creativity in fashion companies. Journal of Management Accounting Research 29(3): 27-47.

Davila, A. and F. Penalva. 2006. Governance structure and the weighting of performance measures in CEO compensation. Review of Accounting Studies 11(4): 463-493.

Davila, A. and G. Foster. 2005. Managementaccounting systems adoption decisions: Evidence and performance implications fromearly-stage/startup companies. The Accounting Review (October):1039-1068. (JSTORLink).

Davila, A. and G. Foster. 2007. Management control systems in early-stage startup companies. The Accounting Review (July): 907-937. (JSTOR link).

Davila, A. and M. Venkatachalam. 2004. The relevance of non-financial performancemeasures for CEO compensation: Evidence from the airline industry. Review of Accounting Studies 9(4): 443-464.

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Davila, A., G. Foster and M. Li. 2009. Reasons for management controlsystems adoption: Insights from product development systems choice byearly-stage entrepreneurial companies. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(3-4): 322-347 .

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Davila, T. 2000. An empirical study on the drivers ofmanagement control systems' design in new product development. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(4-5): 383-409.

Davila, T. 2005. An exploratory study on theemergence of management control systems: formalizing human resources in smallgrowing firms. Accounting, Organizations, and Society 30(3): 223-248.

Davila, T. and M.Wouters. 2005. Managingbudget emphasis through the explicit design of conditional budgetary slack. Accounting, Organizations, and Society30(7-8): 587-608.

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Davis, A., K. Harrison and L. Turner. 2010.Practical guidance for establishing or improving a volunteer income taxassistance (VITA) program. The CPA Journal (July): 59-62.

Davis, A., S. Kaden and L. Zhang. 2016. Paying for children's education can be taxing. The CPA Journal (September): 48-53.

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Ieee Conference 2010

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Federal Aviation Administration

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Published online 6 December 2010.
Annual Conference Supplement 2010



In June 2002, the Ministry of public health, welfare and sport asked two organisations in partnership with de Dutch Alzheimer Association (DAA) to develop an nation-wide programme for regional providers of care, welfare an cure to improve dementia care from client perspective. The result, of the Dutch National Dementia improvement program (NDP), is almost nationwide implemented (95%).

Workshop programme

In this workshop, we would like to discuss the Dutch results, and also what work and did n’t work. We will present the methodology of evaluation and first results of the French National Alzheimer Plan, implemented in 17 areas in France. The pilot program for a public policy aims to create ‘Homes for the Integration and Autonomy of people suffering from Alzheimer’s or associated disorders’. The pilot program is ongoing and will end in December 2010. It is aimed to re-organize services, change practices and improve the quality of interventions. The ministry of health has asked for and funded a continuous, multi-sites assessment of the implementation of the program. All the methodology will be presented with first results. We assume that results can help to define the level, the role and the strategies of factors of the change management when integration is being implemented in a public policy and not in an independent initiative. The other kind of results is related to the knowledge about policy implementation methodology.

After these two presentations (30 minutes), a 1-hour discussion period will be employed to identify common problems and topics across diverse health care systems of all participants. We will notably look for mutual outcomes, for methodology of implementation and of assessment of integrated care for the very vulnerable population of people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and associated disorder.

Articles from International Journal of Integrated Care are provided here courtesy of Ubiquity Press